In the past 20 years the use of medical acupuncture as pain management has grown tremendously with mainstream Michigan hospitals, healthcare providers and insurance companies.
Michigan medical service providers and insurance companies finally recognize that acupuncture can be an excellent complement or alternative to other evasive medical treatments such as surgery, physical therapy, pain injections and drug therapies that can lead to addiction.
The medical community as a whole is now currently recognizing the use of acupuncture as effective pain management. It is extremely effective for reducing or eliminating the need for pain medications and their unwanted side-effects from conventional pain management techniques.
There are many proven empirical benefits to medical acupuncture as a very successful pain management and pain elimination alternative to drugs and surgery, and these include:
Researchers in the medical community have put forth great efforts in exploring new protocols that demonstrate the many benefits of integrating acupuncture for the treatment of pain. These scientific discoveries have currently surged the use of medical acupuncture to the forefront of modern medicine.
The US Military and the Veteran’s Association have also been one of acupuncture’s current supporters in the treatment of pain management. Physicians with these groups have found that acupuncture is an effective therapy; allowing for their patients to reduce their use of opioids and NSAIDs.
Both medical acupuncture and Oriental medicine offer you a dynamic medical system which has an advanced theoretical understanding of the body. Acupuncture and Oriental medicine postulates that the body is more than a composition of individual components. Instead, it reveals that the body is formulated by interrelated and interconnected networks.
Patients often find a reduction in their pain and increased range of motion either during treatment or immediately afterwards. However, each patient is unique in their response to medical acupuncture and pain reduction.
One example is the treatment of plantar fasciitis where multiple acupuncture techniques are applied to areas that affect the hips, low back, hamstring, Achilles tendon and plantar muscles. Instead of working one area at a time, acupuncture successfully treats all six areas quickly during the same session. This unique pain management benefit allows for quicker and longer lasting effects; which in turn reduces pain and inflammation faster than we would expect from modern pain reduction methods.
Pain is a common problem affecting both genders and most ages, and in many cases results in considerable direct and indirect financial and social costs. The key to successful treatment, pain management and pain relief relies squarely on the correct identification of your problem and determining the right cure.
Current clinical and research studies have tested and proven that acupuncture enhances daily activities while dramatically reducing pain and the need for drugs and medications. In addition, medical professionals now recognize the multiple benefits of medical acupuncture and have chosen to cover a wide variety of acupuncture procedures for relieving pain.
With the use of medical acupuncture the Metro Detroit Acupuncture pain clinic in West Bloomfield, Michigan will create a specialized and individual pain management treatment that correctly addresses the root cause. Metro Detroit Acupuncture then works with you one-on-one to determine the best treatment for your specific condition, and we create a specialized acupuncture and pain management plan that minimizes your treatment time and radically minimizes or completely eliminates the pain.
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