In Michigan, depression accounts for about 35-40% of all psychiatric illnesses. It affects all types of individuals; and does not discriminate between sex, social class or body type. You may not be aware, but clinically proven medical acupuncture and Oriental medicine have successfully treated depression.
The experts at Metro Detroit Acupuncture use tested and proven acupuncture treatments to help regulate the body by balancing out your physical, mental and emotional well-being.
Oriental medicine has a long and deep history in understanding, identifying and successfully treating mental and emotional imbalances. This unique and historical understanding of how the body and mind work together still provides amazing healing and wellness results even under today’s modern societal stresses. Depression can be caused by a variety of influences. The Oriental medicine theoretical model provides us with a better understanding of the mind and body and reveals treatment for some of these factors:
Sadness, anger, worry and guilt are often the emotions associated with depression. In Oriental medicine, these emotions lead to a stagnancy of the body and mind. This stagnation can sometimes facilitate emotional problems that affect the body in negative ways. If not treated in a holistic manner, these patterns can develop into a deeper illness of the physical mind and one’s emotional well-being.
Depression treatment is much more than symptom control. It is based on nourishing the body and spirit of the person. This can quickly and easily begin to balance the mental-emotional patterns that negatively affect the subject. Medical acupuncture has proven to provide relief and successfully treat depression as well as providing benefits of the following:
Acupuncture and Oriental medicine have proven over time to be safe and very effective in treating depression, anxiety and their side effects. Medical Acupuncture has no negative interactions with antidepressants or medications, and in most cases, acupuncture can help reduce the side effects of medications used to help regulate mood. In addition, treatment with acupuncture and Oriental medicine can improve more than one concern at the same time. These treatments can improve your mood, reduce the side effects of medications and better regulate metabolic and physiological functions in the body. Now you can quickly and easily enjoy better sleep, reduced pain, increased energy and digestive balance while enjoying a happier life for years to come.
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